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I offer intimate heart opening ceremony working with the medicines of Cacao and the alchemy of the Gongs.

The offering will include time to relax into the space, oracle guidance, aromatherapy scents, mindful drinking of Cacao elixir and then an hour-long Gong and Sound Experience. This will immerse you in sound healing and support you to relax and escape from the pressures of life. We will have time towards the closing part of our ceremony to reconnect integrate our experiences.
What to expect:
Cacao is a beautiful, gentle, heart healing medicine that can help bring clarity where we are feeling unclear, focus where we are feeling scattered and clearing where we are stagnated and stuck. This medicine helps us access realms that are often unavailable to us when we are caught up in the head and enables connection with the subtle realms and our own deepest wisdom.
With Cacao we drop down from the head into the heart where we can navigate by feeling instead of thinking. Cacao helps disperse any blockages around the heart and with the vibrations from the Gongs we experience healing at a cellular level to recalibrate the physical, emotional and etheric bodies.
Cacao has been used for thousands of years by the Mayans and Aztecs for its healing energy; it is believed that the plant is a heart medicine and cures both physical and mental tension around the heart and self-love.
Gong Baths are used to sooth and detox the mind and body through its ancient healing vibration and through the power of sound itself. This type of sound healing can create a 'sound massage' for the mind-body and help you drop into an effortless state of relaxation, helping you unblock stagnant energy and allowing energy restoration.
After drinking in the Cacao elixir, experiencing it’s warmth and presence in the body you will be invited to lie down so you can be bathed in relaxing vibrations from the Gongs, Himalayan bowl and chimes. There is nothing for you to do, just allow and be open to receive an inner voyage supported with Cacao and the Gongs as your guide. Instructions:
Please bring your own mat, blanket, and pillow if you wish for added comfort. *I will have some available if required.
Feel free to bring a drink, journal, crystal, or anything that is important to you to join you on your journey.
Considerations & Contraindications
*Cacao contains theobromine which stimulates the system in the same way as caffeine can. If you have a sensitivity to caffeine, then please consult with me and we will discuss giving you a lower dosage.
*Cacao can react with antidepressants causing headaches so please let me know if you are on any medication before booking.
*Ceremonial cacao is not suitable for those who are pregnant or suffering from a heart condition.
*Gong baths are not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy, for people suffering from uncontrolled epilepsy, heart problems, bone fractures, or with a pacemaker. Please consult with me before booking.
*My Cacao elixir is mainly made with plant-based milk, coconut sugar and some yummy mixed spices.
Aged 16+